Love Your Lake Toronto Day 4

A Perfect Day at the Beach

It was a big day! We cleaned up four parks in Toronto. The first was Ashbridges Bay where we didn't even make it to the actual beach before our time was up. We cleaned from the parking lot to the beach along the boardwalk. The second location was Beaches Park. We found a serious hazard here: sparklers. There were several pieces of wire from burnt sparklers left in the sand. These would not be very fun for bare feet to step on. Solo cups, pop bottles, lighters and socks were our clues to a party on the beach the night before. We found four non-matching socks! We also found a very scary Ronald McDonald head from 1987. But the best surprise was a heart with the word "Love" written with rocks. We've completed 58 cleanups in the last few weeks and sometimes it can be challenging and discouraging but seeing this message pepped us up and reminded us why we're doing this, we love our lake! In the afternoon we cleaned up the Scarborough Bluffs at Bluffer's Park and Cudia Park. It is so much fun to see how unique each park on Lake Ontario is. Some are rocky, some sandy, and some grassy, some are landscaped and some are wild, some are busy and some deserted. They all have one thing in common, every single one had litter whether they're maintained or not. It's so unfortunate. But if each person attending a park picked up one piece of litter on their way out imagine the positive impact that would have! I challenge YOU to be a steward of our parks by doing your part to keep them clean! Every piece makes a difference!


Total Pieces Collected: 1,854 pieces 

493 cigarette butts

193 food wrappers

71 straws

307 paper pieces


Weird Things Found:

magnetic bookmark, bag of coconuts, Ronald McDonald head, hanger, a stamp, a single unlit match, and a quarter.


 Ashbridges Bay Park

Beaches Park

Bluffer's Park

Cudia Park 


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Look At What We Found:

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